Watch for announcements for upcoming workshops open to the general public. These workshops are storytelling workshops for capturing and revisiting your own personal stories. Good for individual reflection or as a novel way for friends or small groups to share stories. Workshops are 16 hours (two evenings and a weekend).

Some of the ways people have used public workshops include:

• collect genealogical stories
• prepare a collection of personal stories for a special event
• to create a personal keepsake of a significant personal story
• as personal reflective practice


Storytelling is a uniquely versatile tool for personal growth and community mobilization whether in a professional, personal, or pedagogical setting.

We partner with organizations who want to use storytelling as the vehicle for positive change for staff, students, clients, or organizational mission. Both the focus and the scheduling of the workshop can been designed to fit the individual needs of your organization.

Often individuals interested in our Customized Workshops will start by taking a Public Workshop to better understand of how best to partner with us and adapt our methodology to serve their program goals.

Let us help you envision a Digital Storytelling Workshop customized for your specific needs:
  • community transformation
  • intercultural education
  • professional development
  • exploring diversity in the workplace
  • English as a second language
  • program evaluation
  • needs assessment
  • personal development
  • mobilizing social action
  • corporate visioning
  • youth projects
  • seniors
  • staff retreats
To talk to us about setting up your customized workshop please contact us.


We believe in the power of story: the power to connect people through telling and deep listening; the power to communicate the subtlety and complexity of our human stories; the power to change communities.

We will come to your organization and consult with your team to design a program that suits your organizational needs, your program goals, and your particular environment. We also believe that even those stories that are hard to access and sometimes hard to hear are important for compassionate community action.

We are interested in consulting with marginalized and underfunded organizations and are ready to lend our support to researching avenues for funding, building community connections, and creatively aligning resources so as to enable a digital storytelling project in all sectors of our city.

Together we can imagine new possibilities for sharing stories for social change.

To set up a consultation please contact us.